We offer kayaking in Kashubia region. We rent kayaks at an attractive price. Canoeing is an interesting form of active rest and the easiest way to organize your free time. Kayaking from year to year is getting more and more popular mainly due to low costs. It's a sport for everyone. The region where we organize rafting is one of the most beautiful regions in Poland and is characterized by diversity. If you believe the old legend, God created Kashubia, at the very end. And that he still had some "building blocks" from the most diverse lands around the world, which he had completed earlier, he dropped all this to the Kashubian land. Therefore, this region is to be so varied. We invite the Łupawa, Łeba, Słupia and Bukowina rivers or on one of the many lakes.
You can sail for one day or a few days with a canoe. The difficulty of kayaking can be adapted to your skills. Our base is located in Cewice, from where we have close access to several of the most popular rivers of Pomerania. The diverse nature of such rivers as Bukowina, Łupawa, Słupia, Łeba and Radunia means that everyone will find something for themselves. We are a young company that focused on the quality of services. Wanting to stand out on the market, we have focused on the best equipment. We rent one, two and three-person kayaks from Prijon. Kayaks from Prijon are mercedes among kayaks. Swimming them beyond pure pleasure is a guarantee of comfort and safety. For the transport of our customers we have purchased the latest cars with adjustable seats and air conditioning.
If you have never sailed a canoe on a river and would like to have a guide or a lifeguard, we will provide you with such a person for the whole trip. You can spend the night in tent, but if you want to spend the night in the guest house, we will offer you nearby accommodation. Are you interested in a bonfire during or at the end of the trip, a hot soup or other meal? We will offer you this opportunity. If you want to spend time actively in our area in addition to kayaks, we will offer you paintball or horse riding. If you have a group of friends and would like to canoe with them individually on a planned route or other river, do not hesitate to call or write. We adapt to your requirements. The most popular canoeing trips in our region are rivers Słupia, Łupawa, Łeba and Bukowina. Welcome!
Zachowaj odległość od kajaka przed Tobą. Kajak nie posiada hamulca więc nie da się go od razu zatrzymać w miejscu. Jeśli widzisz,że ktoś przed Tobą zablokował się lub ma jakiś inny problem, poczekaj w bezpiecznej odległości lub mu pomóż.
Szybkoschnące ubrania. Nie ukrywam, że lepiej nie wybierać najlepszych ubrań z szafy, gdyż mogą ulec zniszczeniu. Samo szorowanie tyłkiem w kajaku, na przykład w pozycji na "mumię" , umożliwiającej przepłynięcie pod drzewami lub opadającymi konarami, nie sprzyja niektórym materiałom.
Upalna pogoda natchnęła mnie do tego, aby w końcu pojechać na spływ kajakowy na jednej z okolicznych rzek. Wybraliśmy rzekę Łupawę. Niczego nieświadoma, mając za sobą spokojne dryfowanie na jezorach, wsiadłam do kajaka z moim mężczyzną ... i zaczęło się :)