The hot weather has inspired me to finally go on a canoe trip on one of the nearby rivers. We chose a canoeing trip down the Łupawa River. Nothing unconscious, with calm drifting on the lakes behind me, I got into a kayak with my man ... and it started :) First, I'm moving. Despite my knee injury, I managed. Then there were fallen trees, overhanging branches. No wooden obstacle was similar to the other. With each one you could try out all gymnastic exercises. My favorite - putting on the floor of a kayak in order to sail under the polygons. Of course, the techniques are roses, which some prefer going over the mountain and jumping into a canoe on the other side. During this trip we encountered huge underwater boulders, which of course could not be seen until our kayak was hanging on them. In this case, I recommend reciprocating movements. The compatibility of a canoe pair is very useful in this area :) In some places the current was so strong that we felt like in the mountains. We even had one small waterfall. It was so much fun that a fairly large number of canoes grouped near the shore before the fall, which looked quite scary, and waited for the first courageous (or crazy). Thanks to the fact that we were swimming fairly quickly we had a better chance to overcome the waterfall. I only managed to grab the kayak firmly and tear it out in the heavens:) ... after a while we overcame a fall without a dump, laughing to riot. After a moment, a whole pack of canoes followed us. As I wrote earlier, for an hour I cursed what the world stands for, because water is not my element. I was afraid of everything, all water disasters and abductions by drowners :) Nothing happened. Not only that, we can say that we did not pass any tipping. Sometimes, when the situation looked too scary, we ourselves entered the water to push the canoe through the obstacle. The fact that I sailed once more the next week sailed Słupia, speaks for itself. Now I am thinking about the next challenges, namely the rafting of the Łeba canoes and the rafting of the Bukowina canoes.
Zachowaj odległość od kajaka przed Tobą. Kajak nie posiada hamulca więc nie da się go od razu zatrzymać w miejscu. Jeśli widzisz,że ktoś przed Tobą zablokował się lub ma jakiś inny problem, poczekaj w bezpiecznej odległości lub mu pomóż.
Zaproś współpracowników do wypoczynku na łonie natury, oderwij ich od codziennej rutyny. Organizujemy spływy integracyjne dla przedsiębiorstw, szkół i nie tylko :)
Szybkoschnące ubrania. Nie ukrywam, że lepiej nie wybierać najlepszych ubrań z szafy, gdyż mogą ulec zniszczeniu. Samo szorowanie tyłkiem w kajaku, na przykład w pozycji na "mumię" , umożliwiającej przepłynięcie pod drzewami lub opadającymi konarami, nie sprzyja niektórym materiałom.
Skrzyknij klasę. Spłyń kajakiem po Kaszubach!
Nie wszyscy z Twojej ekipy chcą płynąć kajakiem? Nie ma problemu. Rower, spacer., grzybobranie. Stąd masz wszędzie blisko.
Spływ kajakowy Bukowiną